Keep Refrigerators and Freezers Cool in Hot Summer Months

keep commercial refrigerators and freezers cool

As the summer heats up, it is essential to keep commercial refrigerators and freezers running efficiently. Restaurants, grocery stores and others rely on equipment to protect food and product quality and maintain health standards. Appliance maintenance is critical, and a checklist is key. Here are some ways to help keep your coolers cool.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Upkeep and servicing are key to keeping units working well during hot weather. It’s important to regularly clean the condenser coils because dust and debris can build up. Clean coils help the units function their best by allowing optimal heat exchange. Check and replace worn or damaged door seals. Faulty seals can let warm air in, making the unit work harder. To prevent ice build-up and blocked airflow, you should regularly defrost freezers. Preventative maintenance and professional inspections help find and fix issues before they become big problems. Here’s how to extend the life of your commercial refrigerator.

Placement and Ventilation

The location of your commercial freezer or refrigerator affects how well it works. If possible, keep it away from direct heat sources like sunlight, ovens and stoves. They can increase the temperature around the unit, making it harder to maintain the right temperature and using more energy. Leave enough space around units for proper ventilation and air movement. Overcrowded spaces can trap heat. This makes it more difficult for units to stay cool. Using air conditioning or fans can help keep room temperatures lower and units cool.

Smart Usage Practices

During the summer, minimizing door openings can make a big impact. Each time a door is opened, warm air enters, and the unit works harder to cool down again. Train staff to open doors only when needed and quickly close them. Organize storage to keep frequently used items in reach to reduce the time doors are open. Avoid overloading your refrigerator or freezer. It can block airflow and reduce cooling. Leave enough space for air to move around stored items.

Energy-Efficient Equipment

Investing in energy-efficient equipment can provide benefits in the summer months and extend the life of a commercial refrigerator or freezer. Equipment with the Energy Star label meets energy efficiency guidelines and can reduce how much energy is used. Units with LED lights inside create less heat and use less energy. Programmable thermostats and digital control systems allow for precise temperature settings and can contribute to energy savings.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Monitoring equipment helps catch and address issues before they get worse. Use digital thermometers or temperature monitoring systems to check internal temperatures. Set alarms to alert you if temperatures rise above recommended levels to prevent food or products from spoiling.

A Backup Plan

Have a plan in place for breakdowns or power outages. If a unit system fails, food typically spoils in about four hours. Creating a backup plan to move perishable items if your units fail and can’t be fixed quickly can prevent big losses. Investing in a backup generator can also keep your refrigeration units running during power outages. Keep contact information for repair technicians handy for quick responses to emergencies.

Reliable Equipment

Iron Mountain Refrigeration has a decade of experience providing quality, reliable equipment to businesses of all kinds. Explore commercial refrigerators and freezers to find the right one for your needs and contact us if you have questions. We are five-star rated for customer service and warranties and provide free shipping to nearly every location.