How To Deodorize A Fridge And Freezer

Is there a lingering smell every time you open the fridge or freezer? Not only could this make fresh food seem unappealing, but it may also lead to bacterial contamination, shorter equipment lifespans and accelerated food spoilage. Even worse, customers may complain about bad smells and tastes or could become ill due to dirty equipment.

If you want to avoid all these detriments, it’s important to know how to deodorize a freezer and commercial fridge properly. To help get you started, let’s go over how to deodorize fridge & freezer equipment and keep the smells from coming back!

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Deodorize a Fridge and Freezer

1. Take inventory.

The first step in how to deodorize the fridge and freezer is to go through the items and check expiration dates. Remove any expired items and toss any you’re unsure of as well. As you do this, perform a “smell test” to confirm the source and ensure it will be eliminated.

2. Empty it out.

Then, you’ll need to transfer the other products. Place them in appropriate containers to maintain temperature, such as a cooler with ice. Once empty, unplug the equipment and defrost the freezer if necessary. Unplugging is essential for safety purposes and to limit energy waste.

3. Clean every corner.

Next, wipe down the shelves and interiors thoroughly. Use a bucket of warm water, soap and a highly absorbent microfiber cloth. You may also need a scrub brush for stuck-on grime. Be sure to get every crack, gasket and bin. Afterwards, rinse the interiors with clean water.

4. Tidy up the components and exterior.

If time allows, vacuum the condenser, coils and fans. Doing so removes built-up dust, prevents clogs and allows the equipment to run optimally, thus lowering utility bills. You could also detach the protective grill to deep clean with a brush. If possible, vacuum and mop behind the unit and wipe down the walls, top and exterior for superior, top-to-bottom results.

5. Disinfect.

No commercial fridge or freezer cleaning would be complete without a good disinfecting. Use a food-safe sanitizer on both the interior and exterior to eliminate the risk of contamination and chemical exposure. Lastly, plug the machines back in and reload the items in an organized, inventory-wise manner.

Ways to Keep Your Fridge and Freezer Odor-Free

Now that the equipment is odor-free, you want to make sure it stays that way. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to do so with everyday items you might already have on-hand. The first solution is baking soda. Proven to be an effective odor-absorber, an open container of baking soda is a go-to for many residential and commercial kitchens alike. Oats can also act as odor absorbers. Simply pour some into a container and leave it in the fridge for a low-cost freshener.

You could also choose to neutralize odors. Used coffee grounds can be dried and stored in a spill-proof container out of the way to defuse odors from pungent sources. Another solution is fighting smells with good scents like vanilla. By soaking a cotton ball in the fragrant extract and placing it inside, any recurrent bad smells can be overpowered. You could also use lemon juice the same way or place a plate of freshly sliced lemons at the back of the fridge.

Turn to the Experts at Iron Mountain Refrigeration & Equipment

Iron Mountain Refrigeration has been serving the commercial kitchen industry for years. We offer a range of quality products and cold storage equipment to meet the demands of all types of businesses. Browse all products to see what fits your needs.

You can also get in touch with us online or by phone. We look forward to hearing from you soon!